Friday, January 31, 2020

Crunchie Bones Essay Example for Free

Crunchie Bones Essay The aim of this experiment is to test whether or not a Crunchie bar could be used as a bone replacement. If this were possible the crunchie would have to be strong enough to support the patients life style. The Crunchie bar will be used to replace a leg bone. After the experiment I will calculate the ultimate breaking stress of the Crunchie and then compare this to the ultimate breaking stress of a leg bone. I will calculate the stress by using the formula: The apparatus is going to be set up as follows: I will tighten both of the G-clamps by 90 at the same time, then I will read off the force on the dial of the scales. I will read the dial from directly above otherwise parallax may occur. I am using three crunchies at the same time, as this will be more reliable. To make the measurements accurate I will calibrate the scales after the crunchies and wooden boards have been put on to it. I will ensure that the G-clamps are placed in the middle of the blocks so that the pressure off these blocks is spread over all of the bars, and not just on one side. The safety aspect of this experiment is that the G-clamps may fall off and cause an accident. Results Degree turns ( ) Force in Newtons (N) 90 58.8 180 147.0 270 264.6 360 431.2 450 617.4 540 833.0 630 1038.8 720 1185.8 810 1176.0 900 1127.0 990 1097.6 1080 1097.6 1170 1097.6 1260 1097.6 1350 1097.6 1440 1097.6 I have, as accurately as possible, measured the surface area of one crunchie, the measurements were: 140mm x 25mm = 3500mm To use the stress formula the surface area needs to be in m , to get this I will: 3500 x 1000000 = 0.0035m As I have used three crunchie bars I will need to times the above value by 3: 0.0035 x 3 = 0.0105m Using the above results table I have constructed a graph. As it and the results table shows the crunchie bars held up against a great force, then went the force reached 1190.0N, the crunchie bars crumbled. This meant the up ward force from the crunchie bars went and the force dropped down to1097.6N this force continued when the G-clamps were continued to be turned. Calculations By doing the following calculations I will determine the ultimate breaking stress of the crunchie bars for one leg. Stress ( ) = force (f) Area (A) Stress ( ) = 1190.0 N 0.0105 m Stress ( ) = 113333.3 Pa = 11 x 10 Pa Due to inaccuracies of the scales I am going to calculate the maximum and minimum values of the force and then calculate the breaking stress due to these differences. Maximum force = 1200 N Minimum force = 1180 N Maximum Stress = 1200 N 0.0105m = 114285.7 Pa (1dp) = 1.14 x 10 Pa Minimum Stress = 1180 N 0.0105m = 112380.9 Pa (1dp) = 1.12 x 10 Pa I have accounted for the inaccuracies of the scales and of the turning of the G-clamps by drawing error boxes on the graph. The size of the error boxes is 20N x 36 . Further calculations will determine whether or not the crunchie bar would be a suitable replacement for a leg bone. Average mass of human = 60kg Weight = mass x gravity = 60 x 9.8 = 588 N Area of crunchie bar = 0.0105m Area for two legs: 0.0105 x 2 = 0.021m Stress = F A = 600N = 600N 0.021m 0.0105m = 28571.4 (1dp) = 2.8 x 10 Pa Stress = 57142.9 Pa (1dp) (1 leg) = 5.7 x 10 Pa By using question eight from the section Spare Part Surgery in the Salters Horners Advanced Physics book I can see that the crunchie bar would not be able to be used as a bone replacement. This is because the value given in the book for stress on the leg bone when someone standing still is 10 Pa and so is bigger than the 2.8 x 10 Pa, therefore the crunchie would shatter when under this stress. When investigating further and by using question nine from the section Spare Part Surgery in the Salters Horners Advanced Physics book I found that there is a bigger value for stress when the person moves or in the case of question nine, jumps off a wall. The below calculations show that the crunchie bar would be unable to with stand the stress of the patient moving: Height of wall = 1.5m Time taken = 0.1s Gravity = 9.8ms = 9.8Nkg Mass = 70kg a = v t = 5.42 0.1 = 54.2 ms F= ma = 70kg x 54.2ms = 3.80 x 10 N Calculations for crunchie bars: Area of both legs = 60 x 10 m Area of crunchies = 0.0105m Calculations for bone: Man lands on two legs = 0.0105 x 2 Stress = F = 0.021m A Stress = F = 3.80 x 10 N A 60 x 10 m = 3.80 x 10 N = 6.3 x 10 Pa 0.021m = 18095238.1 Pa = 1.8 x 10 Pa These calculations show that the crunchie bar could not with stand the stress when the patient moved. This is shown in the calculations because the value of stress on the crunchie bars when put in this situation is greater than that of the leg bones. Therefore the crunchie bars would break. Overall this experiment has shown that a crunchie bar could not be used as a suitable bone replacement as it would not be able to with stand the ultimate breaking stress of a person if they were standing still or if the person was moving. If I had more time to continue this experiment I would make a piece of apparatus, like a protractor, that enabled me to measure the degree turns that I made when turning the G-clamps making my measurements more accurate. Using the apparatus I could also make more turns such as 45 turns as well as 90 turns.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Failings of Mr. And Mrs. Elliot Essay -- Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Essay

The Failings of Mr. And Mrs. Elliot      Ã‚   This cynical look at a less than ideal marriage keeps the reader at a distance. The opening sentence startles in its baldness "Mr. and Mrs. Elliot tried very hard to have a baby" and the second sentence destroys any illusions that the Elliots are enjoying this by stating that "They tried as often as Mrs. Elliot could stand it"(Hemingway 85).    The second paragraph uses one long, oddly convoluted sentence to describe their courtship and subsequent marriage. It isn't until the third paragraph that either is referred to by a first name and then young Mr. Hubert Elliot's career is discussed. Mrs. Elliot's age has already been revealed, she is forty, and now Hubert's age is given as twenty five. This disparity in ages is explained by the fact that Hubert has been keeping "himself pure so that he could bring to his wife the same purity of mind and body that he expected of her"(85). The very thing that girls his age laugh at is what endears him to his friend at the tea shop, Cornelia.    She, too, is quite pure and they are delighted to have found each other, even if his mother cries over their marriage. Later she "brightened very much when she learned they were going to live abroad"(86). Perhaps she's relieved that the newlyweds will be out of reach of the wagging tongues of neighbors and friends.    The happy couple spends much time kissing and congratulating themselves on having remained pure. Apparently marriage wasn't in Hubert's plans, he can't even "remember just when it was decided that they were to be married"(86). But they do marry and the wedding night proves to be disappointing, the impression being that two such pure souls have no clue how to make love. A... ...friends of her own, concentrating instead on making that baby and typing Hubert's poetry. There is also a tendency to accept at face value some things that would arouse suspicion in a more thoughtful (or less desparate) person. "Hubert explained to her that he had leaned that way of kissing from hearing a fellow tell a story once"(86).    It might be easy to feel sympathy for such deluded people, creating their own traps and convincing themselves that they are so very happy. But the slightly sarcastic edge of the narrative combined with the distance maintained throughout instead works to encourage contempt. At the end of the story it's easy to dismiss the Elliots as having made their bed. Now they'll just have to sleep in it.    Works Cited Hemingway, Ernest. "Mr. and Mrs. Eliot." The Short Stories. New York: Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1995.   

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Kamikaze, Japan’s Suicide Gods Essay

Kamikaze is a Japanese word meaning â€Å"divine wind†. ‘Kami’ means ‘divine’ and ‘kaze’ ‘wind’. Kamikaze owes its origins to the 1274 and 1281 typhoons which wrought havoc on invasion forces from Mongolia. A Japanese World War II pilot specially trained to destroy an enemy ship by crashing on it was referred to as kamikaze. The plane to be used for such an attack, usually laden with explosives also bore the same name. Special air suicide attack units were given this name in World War II in 1944-45. The kamikaze concept originated from lower ranks officers in the field when they reported that pilots and crew were experiencing accidental crashes. Captain Motoharu first brought up the subject and led to the launch of initial investigations on the feasibility and modes of executing deliberate assaults. The Thunder Gods project was initiated soon afterwards in 1944 (Axell, 2002, p. 13) The first formal mention of kamikaze missions was in august 1944 when the Domei News Agency reported that Takeo Tagata, A flight instructor, was training pilots for suicide attacks in Taiwan. It is also claimed that the first kamikaze mission was carried out on September 13th 1944 after which the 31st Fighter Squadron of the army based on Negros Island imitated the following day. Takeshi Kosai, First Lieutenant and a sergeant, destined to crash into carriers, took off in separate fighter planes each loaded with 100 kilogram bombs. Other sources assert that the US cruiser, USS Reno CL96 was suicide bombed on October 14th 1944. It is also claimed that the commander of the 26th Air Flotilla, Captain Masafumi Arima, developed the kamikaze concept. He led 100 Yokosuka D4Y dive bombers to attack Franklin, an aircraft carrier on October 15th 1944. Arima got killed in the assault and was rewarded with the post of Admiral posthumously. Top ranking Japanese military officials embraced Arima’s example as a source of military propaganda. The attack of Suluan Island by Allied forces set off the battle of Leyte Gulf. The responsibility of destroying the Allied forces in Leyte Gulf lay with the 1st Air Fleet of the Japanese Navy. The 1st Air Fleet had the limitation of having only 40 planes: 3 Nakajima B6N Tenzan Torpedo bombers, 34 Mitsubishi zero fighters, 1 Mitsubishi G4M and 2 Yokosuka P1Y Ginga land bombers. This made the task ahead appear impossible and prompted Vice Admiral Takijiro Onishi, the 1st Air Fleet commandant to constitute the Special Attack Unit. Onishi told the 201st flying group pilots of the plan on October 19th at a meeting at Mabalacat airfield near Manila. The assault would involve crashing a zero bomber with 250 kilogram bomb and ramming it into a US carrier with a view of grounding all American carriers. The initial plan was to only involve volunteers in such attacks. Onishi lied to the pilots that their commander, Captain Sakai Yamamoto, already knew of the plan when the pilots requested for an approval from their own boss. Yamamoto was, however, in hospital after a motor vehicle accident and thus he was not privy to Onishi’s plans. The 23 pilots in attendance volunteered and hence the first anti-Allied forces suicide strikes at Leyte were executed in a few days time (Astor, 1999, 32). The impact of the kamikaze strikes was momentous, damage greater than any preceding one was inflicted on the allied forces ships. The Japanese military top officials decided to have humans man rocket-propelled bombs, an operation they called Thunder Gods. The task of designing the flying bomb was signed to the Japan Aeronautical Research Laboratory. This was to counter the problems experienced in the remote guidance of German rockets and the threat of the advancing Allied forces. The Thunder Gods project initially had 100 volunteers whose training was parallel to the construction of the pioneer 150 Ohka rocket bombs. Japan’s strategy was the stationing of Thunder Gods in Formosa and the Philippines. American submarines and carrier ships didn’t allow maneuvering south from Japan. The November 27th 1944 sinking of Shinano, Japan’s carrier ship, by Archerfish, the American submarine, proved that America had firmly held its base in the region. Shinano held the first batch of 50 Ohkas. Unryu, a Japanese carrier loaded with the next 30 Ohkas was also sunk a few weeks later while traveling to the Philippines. It then became clear that Thunder Gods project would be fail. Students were mandated to recite the oath of the Imperial Rescript on Education as a ritual after the decree was passed in 1890. The oath stated that individuals would offer themselves, including sacrificing their lives, to the state as well as protect the Imperial family. Under the oath, dying for the emperor or for Japan was honorable. The Meiji restoration saw the establishment of Shinto as a state religion. Shinto doctrines were rampant in Japan in 1944 to 1945 and they were instrumental in the promotion of nationalism. Many Japanese were of the view that to be honored at the Yasukumi shrine, which the Emperor visited twice yearly, was a great honor. Many sailors, pilots and soldiers were thus mentally prepared to die and become eirei, ‘guardian spirits’ of the country (Axel, Kase, 2002, p. 35). Books and newspapers published stories, articles and advertisements about the suicide bombers after the kamikaze strategy was adopted. A case in point is the Nippon Times October 1944 issue which ran an article with the view of aiding the recruitment of the special attack corps. The propaganda that kamikaze were enshrined at Yasukumi from publishers and exaggerated stories of the kamikaze added to the Japanese ideology that kamikaze were divine people. Peer pressure also had a hand in popularizing the kamikaze. The Japanese government also had its share in the fanning of the kamikaze spirit by falsely declaring victories (Axell, Kase, 2002, p. 38). Ancient folklore also helped in the recruitment of volunteers into the suicide missions. For instance, it was widely believed that the bonds connecting an individual to his family were similar to the ones that joined him to his nation. The Japanese so valued their close relationship with both the emperor and the nation that they were convinced that it would be useless to be Japanese if one didn’t have this links. Spiritistic ceremonies were held to bid kamikaze farewell before they departed to their assignments. The Japanese flag or the Japanese naval flag with spiritually inspirational words written on it were given to the kamikaze. The soldiers also drank sake; a-rice based alcoholic drink, before leaving. A headband with the rising sun and sennibari, a belt with a thousand stitches each made by a single woman were also among the kamikaze insignia. The kamikaze were also supposed to compose a death poem and read it. This feat borrows heavily from the samurai, a pre-industrial Japan military nobility. Samurai also composed and read a death poem before undertaking seppuku, a Japanese disembowelment ritual. It is alleged that the kamikaze pilots flew southwest over mount Kaimon. The pilots then looked back to face the mountain, said farewell to Japan and saluted the mountain. This is an indication that some spiritism was associated with the kamikaze missions (Astor, 1998, p. 47). The 1281 AD invasion of Japan by Mongols prompted the emperor to pray for divine salvation. A huge typhoon came up and drowned the enemy by sinking their ships. The typhoon was called kamikaze or the ‘divine wind’. This episode was one inspiration of the kamikaze suicide missions in World War II. The pilots had the divine mission of destroying their enemy. Suicide pilot manuals instructed pilots to obtain a high level of spiritual training, be always pure-hearted and cheerful and to maintain perfect health conditions. This instructions were found in a book ‘Transcend life and death’ which were given to each pilot. Pilots were supposed to loudly yell ‘Hissatsu’ translated ‘sink without fail’ moments before crashing into a target. Many kamikaze had the conviction that by crashing into a target, they would pay the debts they owed their friends’ families and the Emperor. The heavy sanctions imposed on Japan by the United States and Washington’s order for Japan to vacate China precipitated the Pacific war in which kamikaze were utilized (Astor, 1998, p. 54). References Astor, G. (1999). The greatest war: Americans in combat, 1944-1945. California, United States. Presidio Press, pp. 32, 47, 54 Axell, A. & Kase, H. (2002). Kamikaze: Japan’s suicide gods. London, United Kingdom. Longman Publishers, Pp. 13, 35, 38

Monday, January 6, 2020

Marie Curie - Mother of Modern Physics

Marie Curie was the first truly famous woman scientist in the modern world.  She was known as the  Mother of Modern Physics for her pioneer work in research about radioactivity, a word she coined. She was the first woman awarded a Ph.D. in research science in Europe  and the first woman professor at the Sorbonne. Curie discovered and isolated polonium and radium, and established the nature of radiation and beta rays. She won Nobel Prizes in  1903 (Physics) and 1911 (Chemistry) and was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize, and the first person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific disciplines. Fast Facts: Marie Curie Known For: Research in radioactivity and discovery of polonium and radium. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (Physics in 1903), and the first person to win a second Nobel Prize (Chemistry in 1911)Also Known As: Maria SklodowskaBorn: November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, PolandDied: July 4, 1934 in Passy, FranceSpouse: Pierre Curie (m. 1896-1906)Children: Irà ¨ne and ÈveInteresting Fact: Marie Curies daughter, Irà ¨ne, also won a Nobel Prize (Chemistry in 1935) Early Life and Education Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, the youngest of five children. Her father was a physics teacher, her mother, who died when Curie was 11, was also an educator. After graduating with high honors in her early schooling, Marie Curie found herself, as a woman, without options in Poland for higher education. She spent some time as a governess, and in 1891 followed her sister, already a gynecologist, to Paris. In Paris, Marie Curie enrolled at the Sorbonne. She graduated in first place in physics (1893), then, on a scholarship, returned for a degree in mathematics in which she took second place (1894). Her plan was to return to teach in Poland. Research and Marriage She began to work as a researcher in Paris. Through  her work, she met a French scientist, Pierre Curie, in 1894 when he was 35. They were married on July 26, 1895, in a civil marriage. Their first child, Irà ¨ne, was born in 1897. Marie Curie continued to work on her research and began work as a physics lecturer at a girls school. Radioactivity Inspired by work on radioactivity in uranium by Henri Becquerel, Marie Curie began research on Becquerel rays to see if other elements also had this quality. First, she discovered radioactivity in thorium, then demonstrated that the radioactivity is not a property of an interaction between elements but is an atomic property, a property of the interior of the atom rather than how it is arranged in a molecule. On April 12, 1898, she published her hypothesis of a still-unknown radioactive element, and worked with pitchblende and chalcocite, both uranium ores, to isolate this element. Pierre joined her in this research. Marie Curie and Pierre Curie thus discovered first polonium (named for her native Poland) and then radium. They announced these elements in 1898. Polonium and radium were present in very small amounts in pitchblende, along with larger quantities of uranium. Isolating the very small amounts of the new elements took years of work. On January 12, 1902, Marie Curie isolated pure radium, and her 1903 dissertation resulted in the first advanced scientific research degree to be awarded to a woman in France—the first doctorate in science awarded to a woman in all of Europe. In 1903, for their work, Marie Curie, her husband Pierre, and Henry Becquerel, were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics. The Nobel Prize committee reportedly first considered giving the award to Pierre Curie and Henry Becquerel, and Pierre worked behind the scenes to ensure that Marie Curie won appropriate recognition by being included. It was also in 1903 that Marie and Pierre lost a child, born prematurely. Radiation poisoning from working with radioactive substances had begun to take a toll, though the Curies did not know it or were in denial of that. They were both too sickly to attend the 1903 Nobel ceremony in Stockholm. In 1904, Pierre was given a professorship at the Sorbonne for his work. The professorship established more financial security for the Curie family—Pierres father had moved in to help care for the children. Marie was given a small salary and a title as Chief of the Laboratory. That same year, the Curies established the use of radiation therapy for cancer and lupus, and their second daughter, Ève, was born. Ève would later write a biography of her mother. In 1905, the Curies finally traveled to Stockholm, and Pierre gave the Nobel Lecture. Marie was annoyed by the attention to their romance rather than to their scientific work. From Wife to Professor But security was short-lived, as Pierre was killed suddenly in 1906 when he was run over by a horse-drawn carriage on a Paris street. This left Marie Curie a widow with responsibility for raising her two young daughters. Marie Curie was offered a national pension, but turned it down. A month after Pierres death, she was offered his chair at the Sorbonne, and she accepted. Two years later she was elected a full professor—the first woman to hold a chair at the Sorbonne. Further Work Marie Curie spent the next years organizing her research, supervising the research of others, and raising funds. Her Treatise on Radioactivity was published in 1910. Early in 1911, Marie Curie was denied election to the French Academy of Sciences by one vote. Emile Hilaire Amagat said of the vote, Women cannot be part of the Institute of France. Marie Curie refused to have her name resubmitted for nomination and refused to allow the Academy to publish any of her work for ten years.  The press attacked her for her candidacy. Nevertheless, that same year she was appointed director of the Marie Curie Laboratory, part of the Radium Institute of the University of Paris, and of the Institute for Radioactivity in Warsaw, and she was awarded a second Nobel Prize. Tempering her successes that year was a scandal: a newspaper editor alleged an affair between Marie Curie and a married scientist. He denied the charges, and the controversy ended when the editor and scientist arranged a duel, but neither fired. Years later, Marie and Pierres granddaughter married the grandson of the scientist which whom she may have had the affair. During World War I, Marie Curie chose to support the French war effort actively. She put her prize winnings into war bonds and fitted ambulances with portable x-ray equipment for medical purposes, driving the vehicles to the front lines. She established two hundred permanent x-ray installations in France and Belgium. After the war, her daughter Irene joined Marie Curie as an assistant at the laboratory. The Curie Foundation was established in 1920 to work on medical applications for radium. Marie Curie took an important trip to the United States in 1921 to accept the generous gift of a gram of pure radium for research. In 1924, she published her biography of her husband. Illness and Death The work of Marie Curie, her husband, and colleagues with radioactivity was done in ignorance of its effect on human health. Marie Curie and her daughter Irene contracted leukemia, apparently induced by exposure to high levels of radioactivity. The notebooks of Marie Curie are still so radioactive that they cannot be handled. Marie Curies health was declining seriously by the end of the 1920s. Cataracts contributed to failing vision. Marie Curie retired to a sanatorium, with her daughter Eve as her companion. She died of pernicious anemia, also most likely an effect of the radioactivity in her work, in 1934.